

Hello, my name is Tim Hansen and I'm the President of Second Act Career Coaching which focuses on helping people rebrand, reinvent & rediscover new ways to pursue work/income opportunities in the second half of their lives that are profitable and fulfilling.

At this point you might be asking yourself some of the following questions....

With some great Career coaches out there what qualifies me to help you ? Great question and one I'm happy to answer...

To begin with I still currently work as a Recruiting Consultant and for the last 15 yrs have built teams ranging from Startups to Fortune 100 companies with an emphasis on the Technology, Sales, Insurance & HR sectors. Being still very active in the employment world interviewing and hiring people, working with hiring managers etc, I continue to see real life interview challenges firsthand of people looking for work in the second half of their life. Often times their frustration is compounded by trying to play by a set of job search rules that they used in their 20's & 30's and beyond that are now working against rather than for them.

Before I had my recruiting practice I navigated multiple major career switches, not all by choice...welcome to the world of layoff's, reduction in force (riff) or whatever else you wish to call them, these events can often come at the worst time in your life, in one of my personal examples it was losing a six figure role in technology when the Dot.com boom went Dot. Bomb while at the same time I went thru a very expensive divorce and lost all my money in fighting to keep full custody of my two young daughters, which I won and don't regret for one moment.

That period of my life was marked with countless interviews, now that I was older, in which I heard the phrases "your overqualified" , "to expensive" and more coupled with taking various survival jobs, Truck Driver, Delivery man etc, in effect to simply keep the lights on, kids fed, and a roof over our heads.

In the above example I found myself older, competing with younger less expensive talent, combined with new demands on my personal life since I choose not to put my girls in daycare, and it was during one of these catalyst moments that I found myself learning to "Flip the Script" forged in trial by fire and was able to reinvent, rebrand, and reposition myself into a new way of working that now fit my second stage of life.

While events like these are never enjoyable to go thru they can sometimes be a much needed catalyst to move your life on to a different way of doing things if your open to new ideas and approaches.

In summary, "What qualifies me to coach you at your Second Stage of Life" ? I believe the combination of my real life current experience as a Recruiting Consultant in hiring, coaching candidates and hiring managers coupled with learning to successfully develop a new approach to work/life in the second half of my life via trial by fire life scenario's and not theory qualifies me to help lead you on to a new way to work for yourself and your family. Since I have a sport's background and am ex military, US Navy, you'll find that I'm more "Empatehic" vs "Sympathetic" and my coaching and advice flows around that approach.

What's the difference between Emphathy & Sympathy ? We all have war stories, i.e. laid off, not fair, unjust termination etc...and while I will listen to you,there are often golden nuggets of your next success story here, you'll find that at some point you'll hear me say ....Great..are you ready to get to work ? Emphathy to me is listening to you and helping you arrive at a successful solution/desired outcome.

Being "Sympathetic" in my opinion is simply listening to someone vent but they don't really want to do anything about changing their situation. I realize there can be an emotional greiving process after loss, of job, house etc, I've lived that myself and understand the emotional roller coaster that can come with this, but at some point a Coach who wants you to succeed and not fall/fail any further can often times provide a much needed kick in the pants to get you going in the right direction.

If any of the above of what you've read or heard me say resonates with you please visit my Coaching page,or click button below, here for details on the many ways we can serve you and please visit my Testimonials page, or click button below, to see some examples of how I've helped others successfully navigate work/income opportunities in the second half of their lives in "Flipping the Script" and Making the Second Half of their Lives the Best Half ?

Looking forward to working with you and hearing your next Success Story !